Depending on your services with us, there are a number of support methods available to you.
While using Fractional CIO/CTO services, we will be engaging with you on your platforms of choice. For startup advisory, we will include methods of communication as part of the contract.
For staffing consulting or technology architecture consulting, we will engage either on your platforms of choice or by a method identified in the contract.
As our catalog of software for Galacticomm systems is now free, we offer community support via The Major BBS forums. You can always contact us by email at info (at)
Ilefinian Castle is Elwynor Technologies' home Galacticomm Major BBS/Worldgroup bulletin board system (BBS). It demonstrates our Major BBS/Worldgroup software, and allows users to interact and receive support in the forums.
Login, create an account, and check out the forums most applicable. E-mail Questman on the BBS for help.
Click here to Telnet into the BBS!
In general, please reach out to us via info (at), or through more direct methods shared with you as part of your service.
Our mailing address is:
Elwynor Technologies
6217 Pentridge Ct
Raleigh, NC 27614
United States